Who Is
The Anchorage Snowmobile Club
Rumor has it that the idea was discussed around a meatloaf at a dinner table with like minded folks. The club was formed, over 30 years ago in 1991. The club was founded to support Anchorage snowmachiners interested in having more places to ride and better snowmobile access.
The ASC Board of Directors is composed of 17 positions, four officer positions and 13 board positions.​ The officer positions are President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Sharing Access. Increase Awareness. Educate & Safety.
We invite everyone from the greater Anchorage area (and beyond) to join our club! ​We also represent and defend the rights of snowmobilers to enjoy the sport, maintain access to traditional riding areas and trails, and lend a hand when needed.
We are a voice for the motorized community.​ We have rides for all levels - riding adventures (day-trips or overnighters) for ALL skill levels from beginner to advanced!
​We have monthly meetings featuring guest speakers, businesses, and door prizes!​​
Please consider helping the club by donating, volunteering in a board position,
or leading a ride to your favorite area!​